All engineering services for fire protection and safety can be provided in the scope as follows
Extinguishing Systems
- Inspection of existing mechanical system drawings and Reporting of design/installation requirements
- Preparing mechanical plan/sectional/isometric/shop drawings and Reporting of design/installation requirements as per relevant standarts and codes
- Hydraulic calculations by special software programs
- Inspection and Reporting of existing technical material/system specifications and BOQ
- Preparing technical material-equipment specifications and BOQ as per relevant standarts and codes
Detection, Alarm, Notification and Automation Systems
- Inspection of existing Electrical plans and Reporting of design/installation requirements
- Inspection and Reporting of existing Material-System Technical Specifications
- Inspection and Reporting of communication requirements of all systems “extinguishing, smoke control, emergency evacuation,etc.
- Preparing Emergency Senarios and Plans
Smoke Control and Venting Systems
- Inspection of existing plans/calculations and Reporting of design/installation requirements
- Inspection and Reporting of Material-System Technical Specifications